Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lots of Worse than Pee

So yeah, everyone commented on how gross my pee story was, well, ha, if only it were just pee today.

Poor little "Betty" threw up today at circle. Hmm yes. We were dancing around doing the FriendShine song (like "This little Friend of mine, I'm gonna let him/her shine...") and she stops, leans forward and chucks on the carpet. The poor thing was so surprised and scared by her sudden illness that she started sobbing while heaving. Not pleasant, or conducive to breathing. I quickly ushered her into the bathroom while Mrs. C got the sawdust (brilliant brilliant stuff). She was very upset and wanted me to hold her but uh, yeah she was kinda covered in vomit. Fortunately she had her Name shirt on over her regular clothes, so I gingerly removed that. But yeah, it was overall not a pleasant experience. The only good thing about it was that it happened 10 minutes before dismissal and appeared to be more stomach unsettledness than actual illness. So hopefully I won't catch some other nasty bug and be laid up for a week. Yikes. Definitely washed my hands twelve times.

I'm scared to go to three year olds tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lots of Pee

Greetings. I am currently not in class and not home...I'm a little worried about that. I blame facebook and blogs.

Anyways, news-wise not much to report. Since finishing my quilt I have moved on to other homework related things such as my Stravinsky postcards (crit yesterday, well received thank GOD) and maybe my Soc. test (I say maybe because it's on thursday, and because I sort of flipped through my book today). Mostly I've been working and going to bed. Speaking of work and pee...could we just say that children should be potty trained before entering school????

Seriously, it's kind of gross and very unsanitary (unless pee really is sterile?) to have kids PEE ALL OVER THE BATHROOM. This is NOT a litter-room! You can't just "go to the bathroom" all over the bathroom!! Maybe we should start saying "go to the TOILET" or even better "go IN the toilet." Two pee incidents this morning, involving both sexes and two walls and the floor and their underwear and my shoe (again):

INCIDENT #1: One Little Darling Girl stood up while still peeing (again, on my shoe) and then after she had finished her business stood up WITHOUT WIPING so that her leftover business dripped all down her legs and onto her panties (and my shoe) requiring Miss M. to wipe her entire lower body, go fetch her a clean pair from her backpack, remove the semi-soaking pair of offending undies and put on the clean (for now) pair of Dora underwear. Sigh, it is moments like these that make me recind all negative remarks I may have made regarding Hand Sanitizer. Also of note, this same darling girl tends to absent mindedly scratch and poke around in her underwear while we're sitting at circle. I think I'll get some sort of hip holster for GermBuster...

INCIDENT #2: Darling Little Boy enters bathroom in state of panic while other children are washing their hands for snack. Miss M. frantically clears the room for said boy while said boy is hosing down the wall. We're talking Power Washer here. I think he waited until the last possible second and by that point the underwear and pants were a serious impediment to his mission so the second he (mostly) cleared that hurdle...he was all ahead full. Clorox wipes are my favorite now.

On the plus side, no major teary moments or tantrums today. Although I did have to hold one girl for almost the entire gym class, which made playing Frog in the Lili Pad somewhat difficult. My arm hurts. And Mrs. C. forgot to tell Mrs. M that today was Red Day, so Miss M was the only non-red person in the classroom. How embarassing. I had to get a scarf from dress-up.

That's all for now, I think I'll go home now and maybe whip up some soup for dinner and maybe start a new book (went to the library today, and against my better judgement, I got books), but I should probably finish the one we're reading in Film class...which is WAAAAYYY weird.

I close with this remark: "No man with a good car needs to be justified!" From aforementioned weird book.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

El Quilto es Finito (and some doodles)

Yes, the quilt is done and hung. Reception on monday. I do feel better, but it's kind of anticlimactic. I feel like there should have been fanfare and much rejoicing, instead there was a half-sob of relief and a flump into bed. Oh well. In the end, I have learned some valuable lessons: use sewing machine (screw hand-sewing), start earlier, and be happier.

Also, in case anyone's curious about my note-taking......I've included these enlightening and masterful doodles. I wonder if you can guess what was on my mind in the first one....

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Math

Here's my figuring on my quilt and my plan for the week:

current estimated time of completion is at 30 hours (20 for quilting, 10 for piecing and final work).

There are approximately 120 hours between now and the show, subtracting 16 of those hours for work leaves me with...

104 hours, subtracting 28 of those hours for class leaves me with...

76, subtracting 30 of those hours for sleep leaves me with...

46, subtracting 6 of those hours for showering, tea making, eating, and depressed staring off into space leaves me with...

40 hours which means I can maybe think about doing a bit of work for my actual classes (but maybe not).

All of that leaves me with...not much sanity.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Schedule

In the interest of furthering communication between myself and my reader(s) I shall now post this schedule (formerly in email form)...and I quote:

Greetings: the following is a semi-complete schedule of my predicted and/or
solidified agenda.

Sunday: Church in the morning? if not saturday night. UCO in the evening

work--> 7:30-11:30
class--> 2-5, 6-9

work--> 7:30-11:30
class--> 4-5:15, 6-9

work--> 7:30-11:30
class--> 2-5
babysitting? 7ish-11ish

work--> 7:30-11:30
class--> 4-5:15, 6-9

work--> 7:30-11:30
HOMEWORK 11:30-????

see Friday, Item 2

Welcome to Worry-Ville

Well. It's been a couple months, and before anyone dies of suspense...I DID get the internship! Sorry for my abysmal lack of posting, if I even have any readers left (doubtful, I'll have to send a "new work from Lindsey Mishler" email out). The summer was pretty busy what with a full-time internship and other things (vacation, turning 21, friends, family, you know).

The internship was awesome, they were a wonderful group of people, a great team to be part of. I learned more there in a week than an entire semester at school. They were also hilarious, I never expected to have so much fun during an internship. And I only cut myself once. Plus I found a mouse.

It's kind of depressing to be back here at school actually, since it's more of the same Nonconformist, creative artist, artsy-fartsy mumbo-jumbo. Actual work was exciting and fulfilling (since it was for a real client), school work feels kind of pointless. I suppose I should try to enthuse myself seeing as I've got a LOT of huge projects to create in order to impress the faculty and graduate. I'm having a bit of a panic concerning my quilt which did NOT get finished over the summer and must thusly be completed by next Sunday....I shall not sleep. Sorry this post is rather down, I'll now write about something less down: darling little children.

Most of you probably remember/know that I work at a preschool part-time as a preschool aide. This year I'm going in every morning and helping out in the new 3 yr old program as well. Yesterday was our first day of Preschool, so I met all the little 4 year olds and their parents. SOOO cute it's amazing, they seemed a pretty good group, playing well with each other. There's one set of identical twins, whose names are Eliana and Lillian, a bit too similar for identical twins, but that's just me. There may be one slightly difficult child, but it's still early and you never know how things will work out throughout the coming weeks. It was pretty funny to see all the parents there with their cameras on Little Johnny's FIrst Day of School. I don't remember it being such a big deal when I was little. I mean, it's great and all, but in my currently morbid view of school, why celebrate the next 20 years of this poor child's educational imprisonment? Ahem, right, cheerful, sorry.

The three year olds this morning are just as amazingly adorable, if not more so. We decorated their placemats with pictures of their favorite foods that they cut out or drew with their parents. They turned out really great, hopefully the lamination will last through the year..... I kind of screwed up at snack time being out of practice and the story being MUCH shorter than I'd anticipated, but fortunately this group of parents were helpful and passed out the crackers and milk with me.

Hmm, maybe that's boring. Let's see...I'll list a few more exciting things related to me somehow:

--I am now a promising student of the Nose Flute...
--My younger sister is going to GVSU and sharing my room
--University Christian Outreach is more than doubled in size this year thanks to enthusiastic freshmen
--I've become hooked on a forensics show called Bones, maybe I'll switch majors, I'm good with blood...
--Snakes on a Plane was the Funniest Worst Movie Ever, I was a whiz at predicting which stereotypical passengers would die
--I've only been drinking 1-2 cups of tea a day, good news to the members of COWCA (Citizens Opposing Wrongful Caffeine Addiction )
--I'm taking a Novel to Film class, wherein we read books and then watch the movies of those books. sweet.
--I have a new pair of corduroys
--I might need new flip flops soon
--I'm running out of interesting things....
--I promise to post more often

--The End, for now.