Friday, August 29, 2008

I return to rant

It's been a while since I posted, I blame it on getting married. That necessarily occupied a lot of my time since March. By the way, I absolutely love being married, it's way better than being engaged!

Anyways: on to Fonts. Many of you (if anyone still reads this) know that I strongly dislike that most overused of fonts Copperplate. In preparing a post for my work's blog I came across this wretchedly terrible monstrosity of a misguided site.

Peruse it a bit, and then you discover that he actually created and maintains more regularly THIS site, even more terrifyingly awful.

Several of my favorite things on this site include the following:
1. "Freddie created 116 fonts over his lifetime…but only one lives on forever, Copperplate" Hang on! Has he seriously never seen ITC Berkeley? Or Goudy Old Style? And he thinks that Copperplate is the end-all be-all of fonts?

2. "Only REAL Designers use CGB" Um…buddy…no. Real designers actually try to find a font that actually fits the design they are creating. I have to say that Copperplate rarely fits that description.

3. The "Courtesty Redesign" Section is amazing. He redoes logos and signs and everything into Copperplate! Wretched! Hideous! Horrendous! Seriously, the Bank of America one hurts my eyes.

4. "One font rises above the noise and clatter of common man transcending space and time." I wonder if he realizes that this is exactly why it doesn't rise above the clutter, it IS the clutter. It's EVERYWHERE!!! The mere fact that he has 15 categories for sightings says it all.

Right. I think you will all be able to form your own opinion about this site and the gentleman's sanity. Personally I'm fighting back the urge to post all over that mother.