Thursday, March 05, 2009

Visit from the Kids

We had Nora and Michael over recently for a Sunday afternoon. We played Star Wars Battlefront because Michael pestered and Nora said she "wouldn't mind". It turned out to be a very amusing situation. Nora spent the whole level running away from the bad guys because she was scared of getting killed. I think she killed one guy on accident. Michael was pretty cocky and ran around the level getting blown to pieces by tanks and robots and killing his own teammates.

Donal tried to train them, which I found to be adorable and hilarious. Some snippets of his attempted training of Michael:
"Turn left, no OTHER left, look out! There's a robot! Shoot him shoot him… no the ROBOT!! You just killed your own guy… yes you did, see that dead Rebel soldier on the ground there? Yeah, see any bad guys around? No… now get to their command post, no not that way, look on the map! It's the red dot there! The GLOWING RED DOT! Run run! That's a tank! Look out you just threw a thermal detonator! Yes you did, that's what that glowing ball was that you threw at your guys!"

And for Nora:
"Ok, you can move down the ramp now. Nope you're doing great! No that's back to your command post. You are actually supposed to attack the bad guys… or you could run and hide yes, that's a possibility. No you're doing great! You haven't died yet… ok… well that was bad… but you've only died once now."

While Nora and Donal played Star Wars and read a book (disrespectively), Michael and I staged an epic battle between Native Americans and the U.S. Army.


Blogger Reenie said...

very cute :D (especially Donal's coaching).

8:34 PM  
Blogger clem said...

Nice pictures too. What camera are you using?
Dialogue is very realistic.

6:07 AM  
Blogger DaWheeze said...

Ahh, fun times. I miss the family :( Thanks for the pictures, keep up the good work!

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Martha said...

yaaaay! long live non-pc legos!

9:56 AM  

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