Thursday, September 07, 2006

Welcome to Worry-Ville

Well. It's been a couple months, and before anyone dies of suspense...I DID get the internship! Sorry for my abysmal lack of posting, if I even have any readers left (doubtful, I'll have to send a "new work from Lindsey Mishler" email out). The summer was pretty busy what with a full-time internship and other things (vacation, turning 21, friends, family, you know).

The internship was awesome, they were a wonderful group of people, a great team to be part of. I learned more there in a week than an entire semester at school. They were also hilarious, I never expected to have so much fun during an internship. And I only cut myself once. Plus I found a mouse.

It's kind of depressing to be back here at school actually, since it's more of the same Nonconformist, creative artist, artsy-fartsy mumbo-jumbo. Actual work was exciting and fulfilling (since it was for a real client), school work feels kind of pointless. I suppose I should try to enthuse myself seeing as I've got a LOT of huge projects to create in order to impress the faculty and graduate. I'm having a bit of a panic concerning my quilt which did NOT get finished over the summer and must thusly be completed by next Sunday....I shall not sleep. Sorry this post is rather down, I'll now write about something less down: darling little children.

Most of you probably remember/know that I work at a preschool part-time as a preschool aide. This year I'm going in every morning and helping out in the new 3 yr old program as well. Yesterday was our first day of Preschool, so I met all the little 4 year olds and their parents. SOOO cute it's amazing, they seemed a pretty good group, playing well with each other. There's one set of identical twins, whose names are Eliana and Lillian, a bit too similar for identical twins, but that's just me. There may be one slightly difficult child, but it's still early and you never know how things will work out throughout the coming weeks. It was pretty funny to see all the parents there with their cameras on Little Johnny's FIrst Day of School. I don't remember it being such a big deal when I was little. I mean, it's great and all, but in my currently morbid view of school, why celebrate the next 20 years of this poor child's educational imprisonment? Ahem, right, cheerful, sorry.

The three year olds this morning are just as amazingly adorable, if not more so. We decorated their placemats with pictures of their favorite foods that they cut out or drew with their parents. They turned out really great, hopefully the lamination will last through the year..... I kind of screwed up at snack time being out of practice and the story being MUCH shorter than I'd anticipated, but fortunately this group of parents were helpful and passed out the crackers and milk with me.

Hmm, maybe that's boring. Let's see...I'll list a few more exciting things related to me somehow:

--I am now a promising student of the Nose Flute...
--My younger sister is going to GVSU and sharing my room
--University Christian Outreach is more than doubled in size this year thanks to enthusiastic freshmen
--I've become hooked on a forensics show called Bones, maybe I'll switch majors, I'm good with blood...
--Snakes on a Plane was the Funniest Worst Movie Ever, I was a whiz at predicting which stereotypical passengers would die
--I've only been drinking 1-2 cups of tea a day, good news to the members of COWCA (Citizens Opposing Wrongful Caffeine Addiction )
--I'm taking a Novel to Film class, wherein we read books and then watch the movies of those books. sweet.
--I have a new pair of corduroys
--I might need new flip flops soon
--I'm running out of interesting things....
--I promise to post more often

--The End, for now.


Blogger Reenie said...

hey hey look who's updating her blog :) welcome back to the world of blogging and congrats on being back into the swing at school for your final year... nice job.

4:45 PM  

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