Monday, February 06, 2006

Fonts aren't toys.

Okay, so it's everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!! I saw the font "Copperplate" (which I hate) on 25 different items ranging from pizza boxes to Ford Field stadium. In only one instance did I approve of its use, and that was on the album covers for the band Cake. That's it. I don't want to see it on tea boxes, on cookie packages, in movie previews, in newspapers, on book jackets....

That said, in terms of design, it's not that bad a font. But just because you want something that looks "classic" or "roman" or "elegant" that doesn't mean you can just slap any old font onto your box/flyer/package/football stadium. These things must be carefully considered! What's wrong with, say...Mrs.Eaves Small Caps?? Or Futura Bold Condensed?

In other news, I had a great weekend (despite the font). Donal came for a visit and got me completely hooked on a sci-fi series called "Battlestar Galactica." Seriously, it rivals Firefly for coolness. The bad news is that it's going to afford me very little time to do actual schoolwork. Eh. That's what work days are for right? And I'll just read my Art History during my break before class. Yep. That'll work. The superbowl was fun, YEAH STEELERS!!! Some darn good football (at least in the second half) and some darn good Pigs in Blankets, though I say it. I had a little help, but I'm sure that I could pull it off now on my own. I could go solo. The downside to a weekend of fun and "partying" is that I'm excruciatingly tired. And when I say excruciating, I mean I fell asleep while trying to match the Pepsi font, a task I generally find exhilarating. You sound shocked. Well I do, I think fonts are fun (when used correctly). Fonts aren't toys.


Blogger D.Cous. said...

On a related note, I got home last night to see Copperplate on a housemate's t-shirt. Weird. On the bright side, I've left my DVDs of the aforementioned TV show with you, which means that I might actually get something done this week. Bwahahaha! You could "go solo," eh? You mean you... sniff... don't NEED me? :)

6:25 PM  
Blogger DaWheeze said...

Dearest, I just sent you an e-mail and realized that I totally failed to respond to the Forsyte Saga, 24 and Battlestar Galactica. So here goes. Sounds like I can skip the Forsyte Sexa (no, it's not a typo). I hated the end of 24 too, I was so mad I almost didn't want to watch season 2. I can't believe there is a show that actually contains the word "Galactica". I have very little faith in its being a good show. Although this could also be because *gasp* I found Firefly pretty silly. Welp, that'll do pig, that'll do.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

eep. don't get mad at Andy for using Copperplate for his company's website. :-/

10:00 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Ha, sorry about this post. It's a little "ranty." I don't really "hate" copperplate, in so many words. It's really the mis-use of it that I detest and despise, in so many words. Don't worry Jodi, Andy's site is safe from my wrath.

Hmmm, on a related note, "In So Many Words" sounds really cool. Perhaps as my studio name? Name of a song? Band? Book? Poem? I'll get back to you on that.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Reenie said...

yeah bootay! making pigs in blankets like a pro! I'm so proud, sniff sniff. altho maybe you should let Donze help sometimes, just to humor him :D i made pigs over the weekend too, and Ben decided he liked naked pigs better, so he kept peeling off their blanets before eating them, all the while saying "pigs... in..." but never remembering the blankets part- which i guess makes sense since he didn't like that part anyway :D

4:54 PM  

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