Thursday, January 26, 2006

And How I should Smile

I managed to change the background of my blog! The whole high contrast white on black thing was really getting to me. That's something we learned in Graphics 1, bad bad bad. Of course, once I changed the background to a lighter gray, the light gray text everywhere disappeared. I'm so proud of myself for wading through all of the
  • //a:;{if}color= <#000>. What do I really know about HTML? Whatever it was, I learned it in my internet design class at community college 5 years ago. GADS!!! FIVE YEARS!!?!??

    So, I'm a little frustrated at technology right now. Specifically my Giga drive, that has ALL of my MOST IMPORTANT files and PHOTOGRAPHS on it. Yeah, that I need for my big review at the end of this semester. I've tried getting onto our server here in the art building, but the blasted thing won't accept my password. So, I'm working off one of those things called a zip disk. Remember those? They're almost as outdated as floppys.

    In other news, I'm thinking of a design studio name for myself, other than "Lindsey Blank, Graphic Design." One that I came up with during 3D yesterday (while we were discussing the depressing domestication of art, if Mom and Pop can "design" their brochures and ads in Word, then where does that leave us "trained" designers?) is "And How." Not sure if it would be And How Design, And How! Studio, or just plain And How. I like it because it's a phrase that's fallen out of common usage but is used very commonly in the era of novels I love to read. As in, "She's a good designer, and how!" Hmm, another one that just came to mind is "I Should Smile." As in, "Is she a good designer?" "Good? I should smile! She's the best!" Decisions. I think I like And How better. I'll start working on some stuff in my sketchbook and Illustrator, see which one pans out the best.

    PS. House of Mirth is not. Mirthful that is. I started the book a long time ago (by Edith wharton), but it was a little too depressing so I stopped. I watched the movie last night while sewing, and I now I don't think I'll ever finish the book. Egads, but it was sad. I should have seen it coming though. Anytime the main character gets addicted to Opium and is turned out on the streets...yeah, shoulda seen it.

    Blogger DaWheeze said...

    Yeah, I guess i'd go with "and how" too. Although, I'm not sure it's the most user friendly name. People might get frustrated with it.

    12:24 PM  
    Blogger Lindsey said...

    hmm, frustrated how? do help.

    4:03 PM  
    Blogger PCPL Youth Librarian said...

    As a librarian (and as you should also know) you never use And when alphabetizing so you would be listed as "how" which really would not come across well at all if you ask me...Also I would hate for you to get confused with "and such". Perhaps if you are set on "and how" you could at least add "Lindsey's Designs, and how" which is longer, but clearer to the less well read.

    12:34 PM  

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