Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Bad Hair Day...

speaking of madwomen, I think I have a problem that is sleep-related. This morning, for about the 50th time this semester, I have looked at my clock and read a different time than it actually is. On most occasions I only get as far as sitting up before I realize that I'm stupid and that it's really 1:30 not 6:30 and that I can go back to sleep. Not this time.

This time I actually got out of bed in a panic, thinking that my clock said 6:30 and that I had slept through my 6 AM alarm. I stumbled to the bathroom not even bothering to grab my glasses. While cleansing myself, I had random thoughts such as "Why is it so dark outside?" (our bathroom has a window IN the shower...it's kind of strange) and "Why am I so tired? I went to bed at 11!" These thoughts coalesced into a niggling doubt at the back of my head that it was not, in fact, 6:30. My niggles were confirmed when I returned to my room, wet headed, and saw that the clock read 3:46. Yes, almost 2.5 hours before I had to get up. I cursed my stupidity, reset my alarm (this time to 6:30, since I now I didn't need time for a shower), put a towel onto my pillow and went back to sleep with a cold, wet head. I wonder if that had any influence on my strange dinosaur infested island fortress chocolate pie making dream. At the least it will probably cause me to get a "head cold" and die an early death. At the most it cost me a good night's sleep and a really, really bad hair day.


Blogger Reenie said...

ugh, thats no fun-- i used to do that all the time in college. and then again last year when i was sleeping on the couch (to keep a lonely maggie from desperation) and I could never quite read the stove clock right. happy bad hair day anyway :D

12:54 PM  
Blogger DaWheeze said...

Hehehe...I mean, how very sad...:) I'm very interested in hearing about the dream now, sounds like a typical Lindsey dream which means hilarious. I wonder what Freud would have to say, we talked about him in Psych today. Probably he would have said...well, nevermind, he was on drugs. Can't believe you took N and S, I want to watch it again soon!!

10:38 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Really, it was awful. I was a grouch all day on account of lack of sleep (and bad hair). The mood was not improved when I looked at my advertising grade online (I completely blew off the last test, because we can drop our lowest grade). More on that later...grrrr....

9:47 AM  

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